RADICORE v1.56.0 released
This version contains a few enhancements and bug fixes
This version contains the following changes:
- fixed bug in startTransaction() method within 'std.table.class.inc' so that, when setting up the lock array, if the multiple database server option is employed it will use a separate dbprefix for each server rather than a single dbprefix for all servers.
- modified the '_cm_ListView_print_after()' method within 'std.table.class.inc' so that it includes $next_row as the second argument. This will allow a comparison to be made with the current row before printing any extra lines.
- fixed bug in processing of MULTI4 pattern which failed to associate error messages with the correct rows of the inner entity.
- modified screen structure files to allow the 'align' and 'valign' attributes to be specified for cells in the vertical view.
- modified 'std.multi1.inc' so that it calls the 'validateDelete()' method before the 'deleteRecord()' method.
- modified 'update column' in the data dictionary to allow a new control called 'image hyperlink'. The field value should be the path to an image, and this will be displayed as a thumbnail image which will also be a hyperlink to the full-sized image.
Published: 01 February 2010