© 2006-2024 Radicore Software Ltd
Latest news
RADICORE v2.30.0 released14 November 2024
RADICORE v2.29.0 released27 July 2024
RADICORE v2.28.1 patch released11 May 2024
Knowledge Base
The Road to Rapid Application Development (RAD)21 December 2024
Evolution of the RADICORE framework01 June 2022
How Radicore prevents SQL Injection attacks17 July 2021
What is a "User Transaction"?17 March 2025
Geoprise celebrates Radicore awards07 March 2025
Global Awards Winner 2024/2501 March 2025
Other Stuff
The difference between Tight and Loose Coupling20 February 2025
OOP practices which save time21 December 2024
The true purpose of Dependency Injection28 November 2024
Global Awards Winner 2023/2428 July 2024
What are Transaction Patterns and how are they used in the RADICORE framework?16 May 2024
An overview of the Role Based Access Control (RBAC) system within RADICORE07 December 2022
Radicore Licensing (updated 8th February 2015)
RADICORE is dual licensed and distributed under the terms of either:
- The GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) v3.0 or later, or
- RADICORE Commercial License, v1.0
Note that prior to version 1.36.0 the GNU General Public License (GPL) was used.
The commercial version comes supplied with a responsive web interface which uses the Bootstrap library.
RADICORE can be downloaded for free and used, with no time limit, under the terms of the AGPL. You are free to make modifications and use them privately without any restrictions. Any application which you create using RADICORE can only be run using RADICORE, therefore can be considered to be an extension or a derivative work. Should you make the derivative work available to others then its usage becomes non-private, in which case you must either release the source code of the derivative work under the terms of the AGPL, or alternatively obtain a commercial license.
- Private Use
- An individual or organisation may download and modify or extend the software in order to create a derivative work for his/her/its private use without any restrictions. You do not have to release your modifications under the AGPL, nor do you need any sort of licence, commercial or otherwise.
- Non-private use
- If access to an individual's derivative work is given to another individual, or an organisation's derivative work to someone outside that organisation, then its use ceases to be "private" and becomes "non-private". The term "access" is NOT restricted to giving another person or organisation a copy of the executable(s) which they can run on their server. If you give any outsider access to the executable(s) on ANY network server then you must either:
- give them access to the source code under the terms of the AGPL, OR
- apply for a commercial licence.
- If the person or organisation who created a derived work makes that derived work accessible to others, either by giving them a copy of the executables or by giving them access to the executables over a network, and does not wish to comply with the AGPL by also releasing the source code, then that person or organisation must obtain a commercial licence.
- If a person or organisation receives a copy of a derived work which they can then install and run on their own server(s), but either cannot or does not wish to also release the source code, then that person or organisation must obtain a commercial licence.
- Each server instance on which the derived work is installed, other than a backup server or a development server, will require a separate licence.
- Where an application which requires a commercial license is distributed it will be the responsibility of the distributor to collect and forward any license fees to RADICORE Software Limited. A license will then be issued to the distributor in the name of the receiving party which should then be delivered along with the licensable application to the receiving party.
- Where a license has been issued for a particular number of servers and the licensee decides to deploy the licensable application on additional servers it will be the responsibility of the licensee to apply, either to the original distributor or to RADICORE Software Limited, for the requisite number of additional licenses.
- The cost of a commercial licence can be found in the Online Store.
- Instance
- An instance means where the application files are stored in a separate location in a server's file system, and could be either of the following:
- A virtual host where a single server deals with any number of domain names. Each domain name is considered to be a separate instance and will require its own license.
- A virtual machine where each machine has its own IP address. Each machine is considered to be a separate instance and will require its own license.
- Backup Server
- A backup server means in place of the primary server when that server becomes inoperable. It does not mean in addition to the primary server. Thus server farms will require a separate license per server.
- Development Server
- A development server means a server which is used only for development or testing/QA purposes and is only accessed by members of the development or QA teams.
- Copyright Holder
- Copyright 2006-2015 RADICORE Software Limited, registered in England and Wales with company number 5026888.
- Copyright of the core components, which are included in the download, will always remain with RADICORE. Copyright of applications developed to run under RADICORE will reside with the authors of those applications.
- Distribution
- Distribution means sharing the software with others, thus making your "private" modifications "non-private". If you allow someone else to run the software then you are sharing it. This may involve any of the following:
- Providing them with a copy of the software so that they can run it on a server which is under their control.
- Giving them access to a copy of the software which is running on a server which is not under their control. This is known as "Remote Network Interaction".
- If you allow someone else to access the software it does not matter whether they are doing so from a local or remote computer, they are still accessing the software. The distance between the user and the device on which the software resides is irrelevant.
- Distribution must be under the terms of the AGPL, otherwise a commercial license will be required.
- You agree to and comply with any and all conditions in this license.
- All granted rights are non-exclusive.
- The copyright notices must be included in any installed and distributed versions of the software.
- Modification of the software:
- Modifications to the core software are allowed, as long as they do not conflict with this license.
- Modifications to the core software, including but not limited to bug fixes, improvements and extensions, have to be sent to the copyright holder.
- Modifications must not alter or remove any copyright notices in the Software.
- You may NOT FORK or PRODUCE SPIN-OFFS of the core software or parts of it unless such spin-offs are made available under the terms of the AGPL.
- Branding, use of the name RADICORE:
- You may use the name and/or logo of the Software to promote your product.
- You may add a link to the Software along the lines of "Powered by RADICORE..."
- The copyright holder reserves the right to prohibit usage of the name and/or logo of the Software.
- The copyright holder of the Software may use your name and logo in a public list to show who is using the Software.
- Changes to this license are expressly forbidden without the written permission of the copyright holder.
- Usage or distribution of the Software, whole or partial, in any form signifies acceptance of this license.
- You are not required to accept this License, since you have not signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to use, modify or distribute the Software or its derivative works. These actions are prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by using, modifying or distributing the Software (or any work based on the Software), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and all its terms and conditions.
- In no event shall the copyright holder be liable for any damages whatsoever, including - but not restricted to - lost revenue or profits or other direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, even if they have been advised of the possibility of such damages, except to the extent invariable law, if any, provides otherwise.
- Any violation against this license or its intended meaning result in the immediate termination of this license and all rights given to you.